The Sunflowers
Van Gogh was at the top of my list to create a colorway, but who says Van Gogh says Sunflowers (which is also my favorite flower)... but which painting?
Did you know there are 4 versions of "Sunflowers"? And I am only referring to the most famous set, the ones in a vase (4 earlier ones depict sunflowers lying on the ground, and 3 later ones called "repetitions"). The year is 1888, Van Gogh wants to impress Gaughin with those paintings as decorations for their shared studio in Arles.
Four Paintings - Sunflowers in a vase
1. Turquoise Backround
2. Royal blue Backround, destroyed by fire in WWII
3. Blue green Backround
4. Yellow Backround
I was intrigued and started researching and reading more about them. I was fascinated even more and couldn't choose one of them. It was like separating family... So why not make an colorway for each? "VAN" "GOGH" "VINCENT" "SUNFLOWERS". Yeah!
BUT, (told you there is always a but) I wanted them to be celebrated, and be honored in a way... and then a brilliant idea came to me, I wonder sometimes how my brain works but I got to say that sitting alone in a summer night with a long dress, cocktail at hand makes my grey cells make magic (well... not always lol)... Eureka moment, laughing and jumping up and down... friends looking at me like "oh who knows what she has in mind this time" lol
Let's do a shawl collection inspired by those four colorways inspired by those four paintings....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 03 2017
This is a beautiful idea you have!!!
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